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Home » Bishop T.D. Jakes Sermon : The Principle of Circumcision

Bishop T.D. Jakes Sermon : The Principle of Circumcision

    Bishop T.D. Jakes Sermon : The Principle of Circumcision : The founder of Potter’s House Church Dallas and T.D. Jakes Ministries, Bishop TD Jakes has shared another life changing message titled ”The Principle of Circumcision” which is a Potter’s House Church Sunday sermon of November 6 2023.

    Preaching on this sermon ”The Principle of Circumcision”, Bishop Jakes said, The biblical concept of circumcision isn’t just about a physical act — it’s about cutting away the things we don’t need to get closer to God. This transformative process reminds us to focus on what really matters and shake off distractions. Whatever your trial, circumcision equips you to move ahead through the pain. By doing so, you clear obstacles in your spiritual path to lead a life filled with purpose and joy! What are you willing to let go of to adequately elevate yourself?

    When God nudges you, take it as your cue to release the baggage and press forward! The Bible guides us to heed His voice and relinquish whatever holds us back — even if it may sting a bit. It’s time to snip away all binding ties and step into all He has in store for you.

    Kindly watch and learn from this sermon by bishop TD Jakes and be filled with the joy and blessings that comes with God’s words.

    Watch Sermon Below

    Video credit : TD Jakes Youtube