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Home » Bishop T.D Jakes Sermon June 13 2022 : Hit The Spot

Bishop T.D Jakes Sermon June 13 2022 : Hit The Spot

    Bishop T.D Jakes Sermon Hit The Spot : The founder of Potters House Church of Dallas, the renowned author and filmaker and the husband of Serita Jakes, Bishop TD Jakes has come through with this wonderful sermon titled ”hit the sport” released after Sunday live service of June 12 2022.

    In this sermon, Pastor TD Jakes stated that Every day, we’re confronted with the realization that we fall short of who, and where, we want to be. But the beautiful thing about Jesus is that He is on His way right to us. He will guide our tumultuous transitions, reveal our real selves, and teach us how to reconcile our human contradictions with His holy grace. Get in position and hit the spot where you know Jesus will bless you!

    The best way to discover and fulfil purpose in life is to aspire to always walk in God’s direction and timing. God will never leave you.

    As you watch and learn from this message by Bishop TD Jakes, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.