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Home » Bishop T.D. Jakes Sermon : Empowered By God

Bishop T.D. Jakes Sermon : Empowered By God

    Bishop T.D. Jakes Sermon Empowered By God : The founder of Potter’s House Church Dallas and TD Jakes Ministries, Bishop TD Jakes has come through with this life changing and inspiring sermon titled ”Empowered By God” and it is a message you will enjoy listening to.

    Preaching on this sermon, Bishop T.D. Jakes said, When you go through the storm, whose voice are you listening to? In our lowest moments, we try to fix our way out, but the most important thing you can do is remain steadfast! You will not die here. The vast storm you’re facing is an indicator there’s an even greater assignment on your life. Rebuke the storm! You’re not finished — you’re coming out victorious on the other side!

    Kindly watch, meditate and learn from this BBishop T.D. Jakes Sermon Empowered By God” and as you do so, may God bless his words in your heart and grant you all your heart desires.

    Watch Bishop T.D. Jakes Sermon ”Empowered By God”

    Click Here to Watch All Bishop T.D. Jakes Sermon 2023

    Video Credit : T.D. Jakes Youtube