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Home » See How Bishop T.D Jakes Celebrated the Birthday of his grandson Malachi Jakes

See How Bishop T.D Jakes Celebrated the Birthday of his grandson Malachi Jakes

    Bishop T.D Jakes grandson Malachi Jakes birthday : The founder of Bishop TD Jakes Ministries and Potter’s House Church Dallas, Bishop TD Jakes has taken to instagram to celebrate his grandson Malachi Jakes on his birthday. Malachi Jakes was born on the August 21, 2002.

    Malachi Jakes is Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts son whom she gave birth to out of wedluck at the age of 13.

    Commenting on his grandson’s birthday, Bishop TD Jakes took to instagram to write :

    Happy Birthday to my grandson who turned 20 yesterday! @themalachijakes
    The spark of greatness shines bright in his eyes. He’s kind and brilliant, thoughtful and good! He’s been cradled in yarns of his entire family! Greatness is a seed that must be watered. All I pray for you is rain!
    Rarely does a seed have the care of family to nurture, pulll weeds and fertilize potential! He’s got all of that. I can see the clouds gathering above his head. And the air smells of dense moisture! You’ve survived the drought, prepare for the rain! . @sarahjakesroberts @toureroberts.

    Read full Biography of Malachi Jakes