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Bishop Jackie McCullough – Maintain Your Peace

    Bishop Jackie McCullough Sermon Maintain Your Peace – We have to continue as believers to work with a certain mindset so that at the end of the pandemic, we are going to be able  to change our community for the greater course of Christ.

    Philippians 4 vs.6 says  “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God”. it tells us to take our concerns, troubles and cares to God in prayers, by making petitions and sending them up to God.  we are not supposed to send just requests to God we are supposed to do so with thanksgiving. when we take our petitions to God with thanksgiving, we can will surely get his response. it says in  Philippians 4 verse 7 that  the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. thats the response we get when we give God our troubles with thanks giving. this peace will over power our anxiety, frustrations and powerlessness. he will protect our heart and mind such that we will be peaceful and restful in the midst of problems.

    In other to hold on to our peace, we have to think differently, if we think in the right direction, we will be peaceful. but if we think in the wrong direction, we would be sad, we will grieve and we would be miserable. we also have our responsibility when it comes to maintaining our peace. even though god has done his part, we are advised to think about the truth. An example of the truth is the word of God, God’s words are the absolute truths and in his words lies promises of peace.

    As believers we ought to have the kind of faith in God than brings divine peace, the kind of faith that makes you understand that he, the lord our God has got us covered and for that singular reason, we are safe.


    Philippians 4 vs.6-8

    Numbers 23 vs. 19

    Ephesians 5 vs.8-9