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Home » Billy Graham Daily Devotional March 8 2023.

Billy Graham Daily Devotional March 8 2023.

    The theme for today’s Billy Graham daily devotional March 8 2023 is “Spiritual Sensitivity

    Here is today’s Billy Graham daily devotional designed for your today’s spiritual refreshment. Kindly read today’s teaching by Billy Graham, meditate on the word of God and endeavor to act in accordance with them. As you start your day with God through his word, may he go before you to perfect all you have to do today.

    Read Billy Graham Daily Devotional March 8 2023.

    There are certain elements of daily life which are not sinful in themselves but which have a tendency to lead to sin if they are abused. Abuse literally means “extreme use” and, in many instances, overuse of things lawful becomes sin. Ambition is an essential part of character, but it must be fixed on lawful objects and exercised in proper proportion. Thought about the necessities of life and taking care of one’s family is absolutely essential; but this can degenerate into anxiety, and then, as Christ reminded us, the cares of this life choke the spiritual seed in the heart.

    Making of money is essential for daily living; but money-making is apt to degenerate into money-loving, and then the deceitfulness of riches enters and spoils our spiritual life. Much so-called worldliness in Christian circles is misunderstood. You cannot confine it to a particular rank, walk, or circumstance of life, and say that one person is spiritual and another is unspiritual. Worldliness is actually a spirit, an atmosphere, an influence permeating the whole of life and human society, and it needs to be guarded against constantly and strenuously.


    Prayer for the day

    Lord, keep me sensitive to Your Spirit that I may not fall into the spirit of worldliness and its lusts.