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Andrew Wommack Daily Devotional October 18, 2021 : There Is Only One Way To The Father

    Andrew Wommack daily devotional 18 October 2021  Our Comfort Is In Eternity – Pastor Andrew Wommack of Andrew Wommack ministries, a devoted and committed preacher of the gospel who has proven absolute interest in the spread of the gospel and spiritual growth of the world at large has been committed in his service in God’s vineyard.

    His zeal to ensure the spread of Gospel and to win souls for Christ  has been made manifest through his constant update of sermons online, daily devotional, live Sunday services and  messages.

    Below is Andrew Wommack daily devotional October 18 2021 as made available in his official website (

    Billy Graham Daily Devotional October 18 2021

    Theme: There Is Only One Way To The Father.


    John 14:5 ‘Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?

    JOHN 14:5-6

    Thomas knew Jesus. He just didn’t realize Jesus was ‘the way.’ Likewise, people today know portions of God’s Word but they don’t realize that God’s Word is their way to victory. Often, people cry out for God to speak to them while their Bible lays unopened on their nightstand. God has spoken to us through His Word. We just need to believe it and receive its truths as our way to victory.

    Jesus didn’t say: ‘I am a way, a truth, and a life.’ He claimed to be the only way, truth, and life. No man can come to the Father except through Jesus. This means that anyone who claims to honor Jesus while advocating other ways to get to God, truth, or life, besides Jesus, is deceived or a deceiver.

    Jesus’ claims about Himself, of which there is only one, left no room for other means to salvation. He is either who He says He is, or He is the greatest deceiver of all time. His own statements about Himself leave no other alternatives. Therefore, other religions that recognize Jesus and His teachings as wonderful examples, but don’t believe He is the only way to achieve salvation, are false.

    The Word of God is a spiritual book written under the direction of the Holy Spirit. It was not written to our head but to the innermost part of our heart. This is why some people find the Bible so hard to understand. They are trying to comprehend it using only their mind. The Word of God has to inspire our heart before it can enlighten our mind.

    Credit for Andrew Wommack daily devotional for today October 18 2021 –

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