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Home » Best 20 Inspiring Books by Joel Osteen you cannot afford to miss

Best 20 Inspiring Books by Joel Osteen you cannot afford to miss

    Joel Osteen Book

    Joel Osteen of Lakewood church who is a famous preacher and one of the world richest pastors has written so many inspiring and life changing books. The nature of Joel Osteen’s books has made him one of the best selling author in the world. Joel Osteen’s wife , Victoria Osteen has remained a source of encouragement to the husband. Joel Osteen books are nothing but the best.

    Below is the list of best 20  books by Joel Osteen that will change your life.


    1. THINK BETTER LIVE BETTER: in this book, Joel Osteen teaches us the impact of negative thinking on our actions, he challenges the reader to see himself the way God sees him and also motivates us through some challenges in the book, lifting us away from depression and its likes.

    Joel Osteen book Think better live better


    1. NEXT LEVEL THINKING: in this us book, Joel Osteen encourages us to move on from the past trials and embrace a chance of a positive future, he makes us understand that, there will always be a reason to have issues, there will always be trials, there will always be a problem but we can put it aside and move on, knowing that God is in Control.

    Joel Osteen book Next level Thinking


    1. ALL THINGS ARE WORKING FOR YOUR GOOD: in this book, we are made to understand that dark times are a part of our human journey and more so they help us grow and prepare us for a beautiful future which God has in store for us, so whenever we are going through bad times we must remember Roman 8:28 which this book was drawn from.

    Joel Osteen Book all things are working for your good

    1. WAKE UP TO HOPE: this is a devotional that helps us have wonderful days; it guides our day from the point when we wake till the end of the day. It teaches us to wake up thankful for God’s goodness in our lives and helps us learn to expect favor from God through out the day.

    Joel Osteen Book Wake up to Hope

    1. OUR BEST LIFE TOGETHER: this devotional is for married couples, it helps them achieve the desired point of a happy marriage, it is meant for couples to read together and pray also, we know that Gods wants us to have a happy marriage, purpose for marriage, but we must play our role by living in harmony and doing God will so that his blessings will come upon us and our marriages.

    Joel Osteen book our best life together

    1. THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT: unlike it used to be, for many Christmas does not bring about the same feeling it used to bring, it gives more anxiety and distractions, in this book we are reminded of the joy and peace associated with Christmas, knowing that the savior is born for our salvation. Joel Osteen tells us stories that will awaken and revive our true Christmas spirit.


    Joel Osteen Book Christmas Spirit

    1. BECOMING A MAN OF UNWAVERING FAITH: this book written by Joel Osteen was generated from some of his father’s sermons, he teaches us how to have unshakeable faith, he gives us seven characteristics of unwavering faith. Since all men must undergo trials and tribulations, Joel Osteen gives us tips on how to hold on to God in trying times.

    Joel Osteen Book Christmas Spirit

    1. YOUR BEST LIFE NOW FOR MUM: this book is carved out from your Best life now by Joel Osteen, in the book, he teaches mothers how to apply the seven principles he taught in your best life now to their family and children, to enable them become successful, it also teaches how to attain Gods favor by doing so.

    Joel Osteen Book Christmas Spirit

    1. THE ABUNDANCE MIND SET: in this book, Joel reminds us that we all have dreams and aspirations, for some its so big and for some it is too small because they have an already defeated mind-set which might be as a result of their background or what is currently happening to them. Joel Osteen wants us to know that Gods plan for us surpasses all our fears and current situations, he wants us to know that God will bring our dreams to reality, all we have to do is trust in God.

    Joel Osteen Book the Abundance mind-set

    1. POWER OVER THE ENEMY: this book teaches us forgiveness and how it is a tool against the devil, it is derived from 2nd Corinthians 2:11. He teaches us that most of us are ignorant of the devils evil, it also teaches us ways with which we can win a spiritual warfare because god has already handed us the victory, and he teaches us that we can defeat the devil always.

    Joel Osteen Book Power Over the Enemy

    1. TRUSTING GOD IN EVERY SITUATION: in this book the writer helps us understand that God is the ultimate and knows all that goes on in our lives, and we know that God wants the best for us, so if even though things seem to be going in the wrong path or off our plans, we must ensure we continue holding on to him, even if it is hard.

    Joel Osteen Book Trusting God in every situation

    1. THE POWER OF I AM: in this book we are made to understand by Joel Osteen that the words I am are very powerful and whatever is proclaimed by our mouths following the words “I AM” will most likely come to us, so he encourages us to us positive words when talking to ourselves and of ourselves because they have impacts


    1. PEACEFUL ON PURPOSE: Joel Osteen teaches us in this book how we can achieve perfect peace, which is the peace that God gives. He teaches us that if we can hand over our worries to God and give him absolute control over our lives, he will in return grant us peace; he said we should cast our care and worries on him because he is bigger than all our problems.


    1. I DECLARE: Joel Osteen in this book talks about all the 31 promises of God that we must speak into our lives each for a day, this promises were gathered from the bible, these declarations will manifest in our lives if we declare in faith.


    1. FRESH START: in this book we are taught how we can start over from whatever point we get to in life with the grace of God and we were also taught to trust in the promises of God. Pastor Joel Osteen also gave us eight principles to attaining life with the fullness of Gods favor.


    1. SIX STEPS TO ENJOYING LIFE: we were taught in this book how to enjoy our life, and its simply by having the right attitude of heart, this means that no matter what is going on in your life, your attitude has a lot to do with how you would process life.


    1. THINKING THE RIGHT THOUGHTS: Joel Osteen teaches us in this book the importance of our thoughts and thinking. He makes us to understand that our life will most likely go the direction of our important thoughts; hence we are called to think positively and in God’s direction for us according to the scripture, which clearly states that his plan for us is of good and not evil. Simply put, if we can guide our thoughts, we can direct our lives.


    1. MAKING WISE CHOICES: its no secret that life is all about making choices, in a single day we make over 500 (five hundred) life choices, though most of them may not have lasting effect, some of them do. Therefore Joel Osteen wants us to understand that we must not take our decision making process for granted, we are advised to seek wisdom from God before making decisions, to ensure we do not ruin our tomorrow by our today choices.



    1. UNLEASHING THE POWER OF FAITH: this book is a reminder from Joel Osteen that what ever dream we have for ourselves the devil id ever ready and willing to crash, he gives us 6 steps as guides to over come the devil through faith and he reminds us to keep an open mind by believing that any moment in time God can change our story.


    1. BREAK OUT: we are encouraged in this faith building book by Joel Osteen to dare to dream, he gives us five great tips on without to cross barriers and limitations in our lives enabling us to achieve that greatness which God placed us here on earth for.


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