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PERSEVERE! | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch Sheets

    Daily Prayer with Dutch Sheets PERSEVERE! | Give Him 15 : Todays talk is about perseverance, If we are to receive the answers to our prayers, we would require patience.  Do not give up hope when you pray to God, you have to be steadfast, for he will only grant you your desires at the right time, which will always be perfect for you.

    It is possible to ask God for something and not get it because we wavered in the waiting period.  we need perseverance in our intercession, we must stay the course.

    Hebrews 4 vs.14 says    “Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess”.  it tells us to hold strongly to our confessions, and confessions in this sense is to say the same things, we are to with all our strength hold on to what God says and say it.

    We are kept from going off course and wavering by adversity and oppositions as we say what God says. Every time we repeat what God says and our intention, we are keeping ourselves on course.

    Also when we hold on to our confessions, we become pregnant with the word of God. Gods words are seeds that produce faith in us.

    We see a perfect example in the story of Williams Wilberforce, who stayed the course. For years, William Wilberforce pushed Britain’s parliament to abolish slavery, discouraged he was about to give up.

    John Wesley heard of it and from his death bed called for pen and paper, with trembling hand, Wesley wrote “unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of man, men and devils. But if god be for you, who can be against you? are all of them stronger than God? oh be not weary of well doing, go on in the name of god and the power of his might, till even American slavery shall vanish away before it”. Wesley died six  days later but Wilberforce fought for 45 more years and in 1833, three days before his death saw slavery abolished in Britain.

    We are advised to stay the course.


    hebrews 4 vs. 14

    hebrews 10 vs 23

    Acts 27 vs. 40

    Matthew 1 vs. 18

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