The theme for Dr David Jeremiah Daily Devotional March 14 2025 ”Never-Ending Grace”
But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 5:20-21
Recommended Reading: John 1:16-17
Those who have stood in the face of the mighty Niagara Falls have been in awe of the sheer volume of water that flows over it. Yet Niagara is only the seventh largest waterfall in the world by volume of flow. Right now, as you read these words, water is pouring over the world’s mightiest waterfalls—seemingly without end.
The never-ending water over waterfalls, like the constant light from the sun, pales in comparison to the never-ending supply of the grace of God. Just as we stand in the light of the sun on a summer day, so we stand in the grace of God. That means our life is the gift of God, as is our salvation by faith. We stand forgiven and justified because of the grace of God. And that grace is never-ending.
Grace is not something we work for or earn. Rather, it is the gift of God that surrounds us and empowers us every moment of our life. Thank God today for His grace that allows you to stand before Him.
Measure your growth in grace by your sensitiveness to sin.
Oswald Chambers.
Check out this amazing message by Dr David Jeremiah ”The Joy of Responsibility”
Credit: Turning point Ministries