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Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts Celebrates 20 Years of Trailblazing Ministry

    Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts Celebrates 20 Years of Trailblazing Ministry :

    Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts recently marked a significant milestone in her ministry journey—20 years of impactful service at a place she describes as a spiritual home and a place of profound transformation. In her heartfelt post, she expressed her deep gratitude and celebration for this remarkable achievement:

    Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts began her ministry at One Church, now known as The Potter’s House at One LA, in 2003. Under the leadership of her husband, Touré Roberts, the church has become a vibrant center for worship and spiritual growth. Over the years, Pastor Sarah has played a pivotal role in the church’s growth and influence, contributing significantly to its mission and vision.

    At The Potter’s House at One LA, Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts serves as a dynamic leader and influential speaker. Her role encompasses preaching, mentoring, and guiding the congregation with a focus on spiritual development and empowerment. Her impact extends beyond the pulpit, influencing countless individuals through her teachings, conferences, and community outreach.

    Pastor Sarah’s two-decade journey with The Potter’s House at One LA has been marked by transformative ministry and profound personal growth. Her reflections celebrate not only her personal achievements but also the collective success of the ministry and its ability to touch lives in extraordinary ways.

    As Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts continues to inspire and lead, her gratitude for her spiritual home and its shepherd reflects the deep connection and impact she has experienced. Her celebration is a testament to the enduring power of faith and the transformative nature of dedicated ministry.

    Here’s to 20 years of faith, growth, and transformational ministry at The Potter’s House at One LA—may the journey continue to inspire and uplift all who are touched by it