The theme for today’s devotional by Dr. David Jeremiah is ”Good Power”
In 1985, Christian theologian Richard Foster published a book titled Money, Sex and Power: The Challenge of a Disciplined Life. The subtitle reveals the theme of the book: using money, sex, and power wisely is a challenge.
Not everyone has access to power in a broad sense, so we think it to be less of a concern. But the godly use of power was a focus in Jesus’ life and ministry. He used His power to glorify God and to do good in the world—especially when it came to undoing the effects of Satan’s power and influence in the world. Acts 10:38 says that God “anointed” Jesus with power to deliver those who were oppressed by the devil. And 1 John 3:8 says Jesus was sent “that He might destroy the works of the devil.” “Destroy” in this verse doesn’t mean to annihilate but to neutralize, undo, or render ineffective “the works of the devil”—to deconstruct before rebuilding.
Jesus exercised power over nature, sickness, and demonic forces. Perhaps most importantly, His power can undo the effects of sin so that our lives can be rebuilt in His image.
Christianity is the power of God in the soul of man.
Robert B. Munger
Credit: Turning Point Ministries