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Home » Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotional December 9 2023.

Pastor Joel Osteen Daily Devotional December 9 2023.

    The theme for today’s Joel Osteen Ministries’ Daily devotional by Pastor Joel Osteen isAbide”

    Today’s Scripture: John 15:4, NKJV  “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.” 

    To abide in Christ means you’re connected to Him, you’re trusting in Him for all that you need. When you’re abiding, it takes the pressure off. Instead of focusing on what you can do, you’re focused on what God can do. You’re depending on His goodness, His favor, His power. As long as you’re striving in your own strength, you’re limited to what you can accomplish. The problem is that we all face difficulties and situations that are too big. No matter how hard we try, our strength, our effort, and our talent will not be enough.

    That’s why God said you can’t bear fruit by yourself. You can’t overcome that challenge, break the addiction, or accomplish your dream just with your own will power, your own hard work. You need power from on high. When you’re abiding, there is a force that breathes in your direction, a favor that opens doors that you can’t open, breaks chains that are holding you back, releases healing, creativity, and increase that will catapult you into your destiny.

    Prayer for Today

    “Father, thank You that I can abide in my relationship with Jesus and trust You for all that I need. Thank You that I can be free from striving to accomplish things in my own strength. I believe that You are supplying me with power from on high. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” 

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