Pastor John Hagee Sermon – The Miracle of Provision : The founder of Cornerstone Church and Hagee Ministries, Pastor John Hagee has come through with this amazing sermon titled ”The Miracle of Provision”. We are called upon to listen to this Pastor John Hagee message as it is filled with life changing and inspiring message that we cannot afford to miss.
Preacging on this sermon, Pastor John Hagee said, Christianity began with a fish story. The disciples had fished all night when Jesus got into the boat, telling them to cast their nets in the deep.
Experienced fishermen said, “Nevertheless, at Your word…” They forsook ALL and followed him. Their success began with a failure. Are you frustrated with your limited success? Have you tried your best and produced nothing? Make failure your teacher, not your undertaker.
Persistence overcomes resistance…it finds a way, not an excuse. Nothing is impossible with God! They followed Jesus, who taught them to be servants before disciples. We must forsake all to become servants, making a difference for the Kingdom.
Kindly watch and learn from this Pastor John Hagee sermon ” The Miracle of Provision” and be filled with the words of hope and inspiration.
Watch Sermon below:
Video credit : Hagee Ministries Youtube