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MFM daily Devotional February 28 2023.

    The theme for MFM Daily Devotional February 28 2023 is ”Choose What Is Needful

    Here is today’s MFM daily devotional designed for your today’s spiritual refreshment. Kindly read today’s teaching by Dr DK Olukoya, meditate on the word of God and endeavour to act in accordance with them. As you start your day with God through his word, may he go before you to perfect all you have to do today.

    Read MFM Daily Devotional February 28 2023.

    SCRIPTURE: “But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” – Luke 10:42.

    The lives of many believers are full of irrelevant things. They are busy doing things that will not earn them eternal value and profit due to the wrong choices and decisions that they have made. The story of Martha and Mary in Luke 10:42 affirms this observation. The two sisters had Jesus as a guest in their home. Each made a choice and was preoccupied with something in a bid to please their guest, Jesus Christ. The Lord said, “Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things. But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her (Luke 10:41-42). Martha was busy and preoccupied with preparing food and drink to entertain Jesus. She also complained to Jesus that her sister, Mary, left her all alone to prepare food and do the household chores while she sat at Jesus feet, listening to His word and learning. Jesus commended what Mary was doing and called it the “one thing” that is needful as well as more rewarding.

    Beloved, there are important lessons to learn from this story. First, the Lord wants us to prioritise spiritual things and rate them above physical ones. The spiritual is the mother of the physical. Today, many believers are so busy with career, business and chasing money that they have abandoned activities that are pertinent for their spiritual growth and development: Quiet Time or Bible study, fasting, prayer, evangelism and giving, among others. You are counselled to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. The issue of your salvation or redemption should be paramount to you because the world passes away and the vanities in it.

    Mary chose the good part! By her choice, she was saying, like the Psalmist that God is her portion forever (Psalm 73:26). She chose His word, the Source of salvation, eternal life and other innumerable spiritual blessings above all else. She chose faith, love and hope. She chose Jesus Christ! counsel you to do the same.

    The mundane things can be taken away from anyone. They are ephemeral and not eternal. Their reward will not extend beyond this world. When you choose Jesus Christ, no one shall pluck you out of His hand nor take your Kingdom inheritance from you.



    1. Father, help me to get my priorities right always, in the name of Jesus.
    2. O Lord, give me a thirst and hunger for Your word and presence, in the name of Jesus.
    3. Anything in the world that is assigned to take my gaze and attention away from the Lord, die now, in the name of Jesus.


    1. I refuse to be busy doing nothing and I refuse to engage in unprofitable activities, in the name of Jesus.
    2. I declare that Jesus is my portion forever, in the name of Jesus.
    3. I shall not place mundane things above spiritual things, in the name of Jesus.
    4. I appropriate the fullness of joy and pleasure that are in God’s presence, in the name of Jesus.


    Credit for today’s Mountain of fire‘s daily  devotional February 28 2023: Mountain of Fire Ministries/Mountain of Fire

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