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Can A Christian Work In Hollywood

    The entertainment industry is one that can be seen as glamorous and exciting. It also has a reputation for being full of people who have questionable morals and beliefs. But what about Christians who work in Hollywood? Are there any Christian values to be found there? Or does the entire industry just cater to those with loose morals? And if you’re interested in working in film or television (or anywhere else), but are worried about the culture around it… no need! There are plenty of ways you can express your faith while working in the entertainment business.

    Can A Christian Work In Hollywood

    1. What do you think of when you hear the word “Hollywood”?

    You might be thinking that Hollywood is a city, but it’s not.

    You might be thinking that Hollywood is an industry, but it’s not.

    You might be thinking that Hollywood is a group of people who work in the entertainment industry, but they’re also wrong about this one: at least if you’re referring to actors and actresses. As we’ve already discussed, those people are typically from other places than California—because they can’t afford to live there!

    Finally, some people still may think “Hollywood” refers only to movies themselves—but those folks would be wrong again because those movies are actually made by studios based elsewhere (like New York).

    2. Hollywood is a city with a population of about 140,000 people.

    Hollywood is a city with a population of about 140,000 people in Los Angeles County. It is part of the Los Angeles metropolitan area and its name has come to be associated with the entertainment industry.

    Hollywood is a neighborhood of Los Angeles and a district within Hollywood Hills. It is bounded by Griffith Park on the north, East Hollywood on the east, Pico-Union and University Village on the south, and Los Feliz to the west. Hollywood was incorporated as a municipality in 1903 but merged into Los Angeles in 1910.

    Hollywood was founded as a town by Vermont native Hernan Cortes along with 11 other soldiers from his expedition, who saw it as an opportunity for wealth because California had no gold mines at that time. He named it after one of his favorite novels about Christopher Columbus’s discovery of America (which itself had been named after famous explorer Amerigo Vespucci).

    3. The industry in and around Hollywood has changed over time.

    • Hollywood has a long history. It’s been around for over 100 years, and it’s gone through a lot of changes in that time.
    • The industry today is very different from what it was 50 years ago. One major difference is that the industry is much more competitive than it used to be, with many more options for entertainment available to consumers than there were back then.
    • Hollywood is also an expensive place to live (rents are high) and work (labor rates tend to be higher).

    4. So what about the people working in Hollywood?

    So what about the people working in Hollywood?

    Hollywood is a city with a population of about 140,000 people. (That’s roughly the size of Portland, Oregon.) And while it might seem like an impenetrable fortress to some, there are still many Christians who have chosen to work within its walls. There are also those who choose not to work in Hollywood and instead seek their careers outside of film or TV productions.

    The industry in and around Hollywood has changed over time. In fact, some argue that it’s not even called “Hollywood” anymore because it’s now split up into numerous different sub-districts: Studio City, Burbank (home of Disney), Santa Monica Beach (where Netflix recently moved), San Fernando Valley and much more.

    5. Some Christians have chosen to work exclusively in movies made for Christian audiences.

    Some Christians have chosen to work exclusively in movies made for Christian audiences. This can be a good option, as it allows the artist to avoid any objectionable content while still working within Hollywood’s commercial industry. For example, one producer has produced several popular films that earned over $100 million at the box office, including The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) and The Passion of the Christ (2004).

    6. Christians have sought to create entertainment that communicates their faith.

    As Christians, we want to share the gospel with everyone. We have a duty to be salt and light in this world (Matt. 5:13-16; Rom. 12:2). We believe that God has called us to love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:30-31). This is why many Christians have sought to create entertainment that communicates their faith.

    Some may think that Christian films are only for Christians, but this is not true at all! Even non-Christians can watch them and be impacted by them because they communicate the truth about God through storytelling—and whether or not someone knows Jesus Christ as Lord, they still need the truth!

    7. Some of these films have been big successes.

    Some of these films have been big successes. “The Passion of the Christ” (2004), directed by Mel Gibson, was a film that expressed the Christian faith in a powerful way and was financially successful. Many Christians were involved with this film, including Jim Caviezel who acted as Jesus in the movie, but there was no Christian producer or writer on the project. This shows that it is possible for non-Christians to create a successful Christian film.

    Another example is “Seabiscuit” (2003), starring Tobey Maguire and Jeff Bridges, which won two Academy Awards for Best Picture and Best Supporting Actor (Chris Cooper). The novel Seabiscuit: An American Legend by Laura Hillenbrand also won an award for Best Nonfiction Book at the National Book Critics Circle Awards in 2000.[3] These awards demonstrate how people from various backgrounds can create quality movies based on their beliefs or inspirations without being Christians themselves

    8. So, what if you’re a Christian interested in working in film, television, or other areas of the entertainment industry?

    So, what if you’re a Christian interested in working in film, television, or other areas of the entertainment industry?

    It is perfectly possible to work in the entertainment industry and still be a Christian. It’s also possible to share your faith while working in Hollywood; you just need to know how to navigate it.

    You can talk about God or Jesus openly at work and not get fired (although depending on who’s listening, it might get weird). I’ve done this many times myself. I’ve told stories about my faith on sets many times; sometimes they were funny stories (like when I almost died from an allergic reaction after eating shellfish), and sometimes they were serious ones (like when my friend died). No one has ever said anything negative about these experiences because they know how difficult it can be to be open about your faith—especially since Christians are often demonized for their beliefs.

    The key here is knowing boundaries: understand what people are willing to hear before sharing something personal with them and don’t go overboard! Some people will be helpful and others won’t care at all; whatever happens, though do not let anyone bully you into changing who YOU ARE as an individual just because YOU identify as part of a particular group!!

    9. People who choose to work in the entertainment industry can express their faith as they work through their jobs.

    There are many ways you can express your faith while working in this industry. You can be open about it, you can share your beliefs with others and explain why they matter to you, and most importantly, don’t be afraid to walk away from a job if the conditions are not right for you.

    If you choose to work in Hollywood, it’s important that you show up each day with confidence and faith in yourself and God. Don’t allow anyone or anything else to take away that confidence from you!


    As you can see, there are many ways for Christians to express their faith in Hollywood. So, if you’re interested in working in film or television, don’t let the stigma associated with “Hollywood” deter you from pursuing your dreams. If anything, it’s an opportunity to share God’s love with others and show them something new!

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