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What Did Jesus Do When He Died For Three Days

    When Jesus died, He descended into the realm of the dead, or Hades. During those three days, He proclaimed His victory over sin and death and shared His salvation with the righteous people who had died before Him. He also opened the gates of Paradise, allowing believers to be reunited with God.

    Easter is an important time of year for Christians. It marks the day that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead, and it’s one of the most well-known stories in Christianity. But what does Easter mean for Christians? How does it apply to them? The resurrection is not just something that happened to Jesus, it’s something that God does for us,” says Todd Still, Ph.D., and dean of Baylor’s Truett Seminary. “It means that there is hope beyond all of our failures; there is hope beyond all of our mistakes; we are forgiven.”

    What Did Jesus Do When He Died For Three Days

    1. In the Christian religion, Easter Sunday celebrates the day that Jesus rose from the dead. But what did he do during the three days of Holy Week leading up to the holiday?

    In the Christian religion, Easter Sunday celebrates the day that Jesus rose from the dead. But what did he do during the three days of Holy Week leading up to the holiday?

    Jesus’ death was not the end of his story. On Good Friday, he was crucified and many thought Jesus would stay dead forever. Yet on Sunday morning, they found him alive! This was an incredible miracle—the ultimate proof that God is in control! The resurrection gives hope to all who believe in it: if Jesus could rise from death, then we too can be resurrected at some point when we die because we believe in him too!

    2. The story of Jesus in the Bible starts with his birth around 2,000 years ago. He lived a life of love and teaching and was killed at 33 years old.

    It is said that Jesus was born around 2,000 years ago. At the time, he was known as the son of God and had a loving mother. As a young man, he lived in Bethlehem and learned how to be a carpenter from his father Joseph. He also became known for teaching many things about life and love—things that people could relate to because they were simple truths that everyone knew deep down inside themselves but couldn’t explain clearly.

    Jesus’ teachings were so powerful that they helped people see the world differently than they ever had before. This made some people angry because they didn’t like having their beliefs challenged by new ideas; however, most people loved hearing what Jesus said because it made them feel better about themselves even though sometimes what he said was hard truths (like when someone dies).

    There were also many other teachers during this time period who taught similar messages but none with quite as much impact as Jesus did! Some examples include Socrates (Greek), Buddha (Indian), Confucius (Chinese)

    3. A few days after His death, He reappeared to His followers as a risen Savior who had overcome death. The story is known in the Christian faith as the Resurrection.

    The Resurrection is one of the most important events in all of human history. It was the first time any person had ever been resurrected, and it showed the disciples that Jesus was the Son of God and could give them new life. And it’s not just an idea or a hope anymore; Christians are beginning to see this new life with their own eyes!

    It’s wonderful news! You see, when you die, your soul goes into another world called heaven or hell (depending on how you lived your earthly life). But now you can be sure that if we believe in Jesus as our Savior and repent from our sins, then when we die we’ll go directly to heaven—and stay there forever! That means there will be no more suffering or death here on Earth for us Christians anymore; just eternal bliss with God Himself

    4. It’s one of the most well-known stories in Christianity but what does it mean for Christians?

    The idea of the resurrection is more than just an event that happened in history. It’s evidence that God has accepted Jesus’ sacrifice for sin, which gives hope to Christians today. Many good people have fought hard for justice, but their work continues because evil still exists in this world. But when Christ rose from the dead, it was proof that He had defeated death and sin once and for all and our salvation was complete.

    Jesus did not just die for us so we could go to heaven someday; He died so we could experience a new life here on earth – a transformed life full of meaning and purpose (Ephesians 2:10). As believers in Christ today, we can draw strength from His victory over death because it gives us confidence when we face challenges like illness or suffering (2 Corinthians 1:3-7). The fact that Jesus overcame death gives us hope as well; if He conquered it once then there’s nothing stopping Him from doing it again!

    5. Jesus’ resurrection is more than just an event that happened to Him in history; it’s evidence that God has accepted His sacrifice for sin, which gives hope to believers today.

    The resurrection of Christ is not just a historical event that happened to Jesus, but it’s evidence that God has accepted His sacrifice for sin. This gives hope to believers today.

    And because of the resurrection, we know that death is not the end; those who have died in Christ are alive with Him now and forevermore (Revelation 20:6).

    The resurrection should also give us confidence when it comes to our own lives here on earth. We know that whatever trials we face—whether they be physical or emotional—the Lord will see us through them if we place our trust in Him and ask for His help (Romans 8:28).

    6. “The resurrection is not just something that happened to Jesus, it’s something that God does for us,” says Todd Still, Ph.D. and dean of Baylor’s Truett Seminary. “It means that there is hope beyond all of our failures; there is hope beyond all of our mistakes; we are forgiven.”

    “The resurrection is not just something that happened to Jesus, it’s something that God does for us,” says Todd Still, Ph.D., and dean of Baylor’s Truett Seminary. “It means that there is hope beyond all of our failures; there is hope beyond all of our mistakes; we are forgiven.”

    In the Bible, Jesus explains this concept as he speaks to his disciples after His resurrection: “And I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you” (John 18:10). The next verse explains what He means by this statement: “Yet a little while and the world will see Me no more…” (John 18:11). This happens precisely because He has conquered death itself!

    Thus, we see how God uses sadness as a tool for good – not only did He use it to spread His message through His son’s death on Good Friday but also used it as an opportunity for us to experience joy when Christ rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.

    7. It means that there is hope beyond all of our failures; there is hope beyond all of our mistakes; we are forgiven.”

    When we talk about forgiveness, there is a common assumption that it means forgetting something. But when God forgives us, he doesn’t forget our sin or its consequences. He remembers them and uses them to bring good into our lives. God also doesn’t forgive us as if he were giving up on us or wanting to get rid of us. Instead, he wants only good for our sake and for his glory (Micah 7:18). What does this look like in practice? It means that there is hope beyond all of our failures; there is hope beyond all of our mistakes; we are forgiven.”

    8. Hope exists beyond our worst mistakes

    The resurrection is not just something that happened to Jesus, it’s something that God does for us. It means that there is hope beyond all of our failures; there is hope beyond all of our mistakes; we are forgiven.

    I think we can sometimes forget what Jesus did for us because we don’t see it as miraculous when we’re living in a world where people get up every morning and go to work or go to school or do whatever they have to do every day. But when I look at Jesus’ life and death, I see someone who took on himself the sins of the world so that they could be forgiven and made right with God again—and this brings me great hope!


    Jesus died for you. The gospel story is not just a nice story to hear; it is the only way to be saved from sin and death. When Jesus was crucified, he gave up his divine nature in order to become human so that he could die for your sins. He rose again on the third day after he was killed by crucifixion so that his death would have meaning—to show us how much God loves us! Jesus’ resurrection proves that we can all be saved from eternal punishment if we accept him as our Savior.

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