Joel Osteen Sermon Peace With Your Scars : The lead pastor of Lakewood Church, Pastor Joel Osteen has comr through with this inspiring sermon titled ” Peace With Your Scars” and it is a sermon filled with life changing lessons that you will enjoy listening to.
Preaching on this sermon, Lakewood Church lead pastor, Joel Osteen said, You can’t live very long without being injured and going through hurts and pains. Sometimes the wound heals up and you don’t have any sign that it ever happened. But there are certain injuries that are so severe, a cut so deep that when they heal up, the pain goes away, but they leave a scar.
Maybe you have been scarred by a divorce, by what somebody said, by a mistake you made, or by a loss.
Joel wants to show you how you don’t have to try to hide your scars or be embarrassed by what you’ve been through. You can be at peace with your scars. God is going to take your wounds and turn them into beautiful scars. Let your scars be a reminder of the grace and goodness of God.
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Watch Joel Osteen Sermon ” Unclutter Your Mind”
Video credit : Joel Osteen Youtube