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Powerful Prayers For Suffering

    There are times when life can feel overwhelming. Maybe you’re dealing with a difficult situation and need some extra help. Perhaps you are in the midst of an illness or simply want to increase your connection with God in order to feel more at peace. In these moments, it’s important to have access to prayers that will enhance your spiritual connection and help relieve suffering.

    To make things easier for you, I’ve rounded up some powerfully healing prayers from various religions around the world. These prayers are used by people of all faiths for various reasons—whether it’s to help them get through a particularly rough time or improve their physical health through spiritual means (or both). Given how effective they can be at providing comfort, support, and healing during troubled times like these, they’re worth memorizing so that they’re there whenever you need them most!

    Powerful Prayers For Suffering

    1. Let your living waters flow over my soul, cleansing my heart and mind of sin, giving me the power to live according to your will.

    A prayer is a powerful tool that can help us feel better when we’re suffering, as well as help others.

    When we pray for ourselves, it cleanses our hearts and minds of sin, giving us the power to live according to God’s will. When we pray for others, it cleanses their hearts and minds of sin, giving them the power to live according to God’s will. The power goes both ways!

    Additionally, prayer helps you feel cleansed from your suffering because whatever your situation may be—whether physical or mental—prayer gives you the strength needed to overcome anything that comes your way.

    2. Give me the strength to face my fear and go ahead.

    When fear tempts you to stay in the comfort of your own world, remind yourself that you have to face it. You cannot be afraid of fear itself, because then you would always live in terror. Instead, focus on what scares you about the situation at hand and harness those fears as motivation for taking action anyway. Remember that courage is not the absence of fear—it’s going ahead despite your fears.

    Knowing this will help you maintain a positive attitude even when everything seems stacked against you and make it easier for others around you to support your efforts too.

    3. You know all about my life. I am not alone in this. Give me the strength to keep going.

    You know all about my life. I am not alone in this. Give me the strength to keep going.

    When you have a friend who suffers, it can be hard to know what to say or do. You want them to feel better and think that you can help them get there, but they may not always be receptive to your advice or suggestions. Sometimes the best thing is just to let them know that you’re there for them, no matter what they need from you at that moment. If they need someone to cry with, let them cry on your shoulder (or chest). If they need someone who will listen without judgment until their head clears enough so that they can talk about how they’re feeling and why then listen patiently until then. And if all else fails: “I’m here for you.”

    4. You are my Father, you are my God. You will never leave me nor forsake me. Lord help me make it through this day.

    • You are my Father, you are my God. You will never leave me nor forsake me. Lord help me make it through this day.
    • I know that the Lord is with me and that he cares for those who love him and keep his commandments.
    • I am so grateful for your steadfast love; even if I wander off course (or make a mistake), you always bring me back to the right path again!

    5. Please give me those things that I need the most and take away things that are harmful to me, In Jesus’ Name Amen!

    It is common for people who are suffering to feel alone and isolated. When this happens, it can be helpful to pray for others and ask God to help them in their struggles. Praying for others will help you feel less alone as well as connect with others who are also hurting.

    Praying can also help you to know that God is listening to all the things that you have going on in your life right now. This can make it easier for someone else who may not know how they fit into the bigger picture of what God has planned out for them later on in life when they are ready or able to accept His guidance more fully than beforehand because they trust that He knows what he’s doing!

    6. O Lord I need patience right now in this situation even though it is difficult for me to handle it without loosing my calmness.

    O Lord I need patience right now in this situation even though it is difficult for me to handle it without loosing my calmness.

    I am so sorry that I have not been able to bear this burden with a good heart or with a peaceful mind. Please help me, O Lord, to do just that! Give me the strength and courage that I need at this time; give me peace of mind and comfort; give me wisdom so that I can see through this problem clearly and seek your guidance on what steps I need to take next; heal my wounds; protect me from all harm; guide every step of my life towards your will and purpose for my existence!

    7. No matter what comes against them today, give them supernatural strength and courage to fight the good fight and win the victory!

    When you are suffering, praying can help:

    • To make you feel better
    • To get through difficult times
    • To find strength and courage to fight the good fight and win the victory!

    When we pray, God gives us supernatural strength to fight our battles. Praying brings peace into our lives. And that’s powerful!

    8. Praying can help us feel better when we’re suffering

    You may have heard that prayer can help you feel better when you’re suffering. It can!

    • Praying can help you feel closer to God. This is because praying makes us more open, and when we are more open, we feel more connected with God and other people.
    • Praying can help give a sense of relief, peace, hope, and empowerment—all things that are useful in helping us cope with suffering or pain.


    Prayer is a powerful tool to help you navigate through suffering. It can also be used to pray for others who are going through difficult times. The key is knowing what kind of prayer will work best for your situation. You may want to try different types of prayers until one fits better than others do. Good luck!