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Powerful Prayers For Selling Your Home

    Selling a home is stressful. It’s hard to know when to put your house on the market, how much it’s worth, and what repairs to prioritize. It’s even harder knowing that if you don’t sell quickly, you might lose potential buyers to their competition. But what if I told you there are prayers that can make selling your home easier?

    In this article, we’re going to look at how prayer can help with your selling strategy. And then we’ll get into more specific prayers for each step of the process: finding a buyer, negotiating with them, getting an offer accepted, and closing on the sale (so you can go buy your next house!)

    Powerful Prayers For Selling Your Home

    1. Loving God, you have enriched me greatly with the gifts you have given and I am so very thankful for all that I have been blessed with.

    • Loving God, you have enriched me greatly with the gifts you have given and I am so very thankful for all that I have been blessed with.
    • Thank you to my family who is always there for me even when it seems like we are not getting along.
    • Thank you to my friends, who love me through good times and bad times.
    • Thank you for the health that allows me to walk around every day in this world.
    • Thank you for the education which allowed me to get this job and provide a good lifestyle for myself and my family members

    2. Dear loving Lord, my heart is full of praise for all that you have done for me and I am sincerely thankful for all your many blessings.

    Dear loving Lord, my heart is full of praise for all that you have done for me and I am sincerely thankful for all your many blessings.

    I thank you, Lord, for blessing me with this beautiful home. It has been in my family for many generations. You have watched over and protected it from harm as well as providing us with a place to live out our lives in peace and prosperity.

    I know that now is the time to sell my beloved home because I need some extra money to help out some dear friends who are going through a difficult time financially at this time. Please give them ample resources so that they can get back on their feet again quickly and return to living life normally once again.

    3. Heavenly Father, as I stand before You seeking Your Divine guidance and help, I confess how often my heart is filled with greed and a desire to keep my possessions to myself when I know that You have called me to be a generous giver.

    Heavenly Father, as I stand before You seeking Your Divine guidance and help, I confess how often my heart is filled with greed and a desire to keep my possessions to myself. I know that You have called me to be a generous giver. Lord, please help me know Your will in this situation. If it is Your will that we should sell our home and live elsewhere, please give us wisdom on where we should go next. If it’s not Your will for us to sell our home yet, then please provide us with the strength and the means needed to maintain our current lifestyle until such time that You do see fit for us to move into something smaller or even less expensive (if necessary).

    4. Loving Lord You are the giver of every good thing, and Lord how grateful I am for all the wonderful gifts that You have given me – some material, some spiritual, and others temporal.

    Loving Lord You are the giver of every good thing, and Lord how grateful I am for all the wonderful gifts that You have given me – some material, some spiritual, and others temporal.

    You know that I have been praying for quite some time now to sell my home. And although it looks like no one is interested in buying it yet and I might end up losing money when I sell it (which is not Your will) but with all these things happening around me, I know it’s just a test from you so that we can trust You more than ever before. Please guide us on how we should handle this situation because everything happens according to your plans alone!

    Thank you so much Lord as always…

    5. O Lord God Almighty, I know that in Your sight no person is unequal or privileged but we are valued the same in Your sight – but Lord, in this world we live in it seems that some people are born with more opportunities than others.

    You know that God is just, and he loves everyone equally. It may seem like that isn’t true in the world we live in today, but it is. God sees us all as equals—no matter our race or gender or financial status. He knows our pain, he understands our struggles, and wants to help us through them all.

    In this prayer for selling your home, you can ask for guidance as you move forward with this process. You can also thank God for his love and ask him to give you strength during hard times like these.

    6. Help me through these difficult days until the sale of our home can be completed and a new chapter can be opened in our lives.

    • Pray for the sale of your home.
    • Pray for the buyer.
    • Pray for the seller.
    • Pray for your family, especially children and grandchildren, who may be affected by this change in their lives. They need to know that God will take care of them wherever they go, even if it isn’t where they wish to relocate!
    • Remember how God provided food when there was nothing in the cupboard? He has shown His power many times before! Now is not a time to doubt Him but rather acknowledge His provision and thank Him again. Sometimes it takes more than one prayer request before we receive an answer from God—praying again shows our faithfulness as well as courage!

    7. These prayers for selling a home may help you get through this difficult time.

    If you’re facing a difficult time in your life, there are many prayers for selling a home that can help. These prayers may help you get through this tough time and move on with your life.

    Here are some examples:

    • Prayers for finding a new home: If you’re about to be evicted from your current residence and don’t have anywhere else to go, these could be useful when talking with God about where you should look next.
    • Prayers for finding a new job: If it’s been months since the last time anyone called or emailed offering work opportunities, consider asking God what he wants before sending out any more resumes or applications.
    • Prayers for finding new friends: Sometimes we lose touch with people after moving away from our old place of residence; if so, asking him for guidance about how best to reconnect might be wise (and also giveth hope).


    We have gone through all the steps of writing a blog post, from structuring it and figuring out the tone to editing the content. Now that you’ve read through this example yourself, you should have a good idea of how to apply these methods yourself. As always, feel free to check out some of our other blog posts for inspiration on what topics you can write about or if there’s anything specific that you need help with!

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