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    HOLLY FURTICK SERMON WHEN YOUR ALL SEEMS SMALL : Pastor Holly Furtick said, have you ever experienced one of those moments where your kids honesty was like a slap in the face, you know they really know us well, don’t they we think we know them but they really have us pinned to. so I had one of these moments recently Abbey came home from school and obvious one of those kids to who tells you everything about school, she goes mom Monday is the bubble test and my teacher said that we need to go to bed early so that we can get plenty rest and she also said that we need to get up and eat a big breakfast like pancakes and bacon so that we won’t be hungry during the test and then she said and I thought in my mind I don’t think my mom’s going to do that least she had realistic expectations over mom.

    Being a mom often comes along with feeling under appreciated and unqualified, constantly feeling like I’m never enough, I can never do enough, we can never be enough, I can’t take you enough places but as I was thinking about this message and preparing and praying about what I felt like God wanted me to say I started to think like that’s not just mom’s, that’s all of us, that’s called being a grown-up, that’s life and we all struggle with those feelings.

    Do you ever struggle with the feeling of does this really even matter, one time we were in a restaurant with another pastor, where my husband was preaching at this pastors church and he was taking us out to dinner and they had a reservation and so we’re standing in the entryway of the restaurant and nobody was attending to us, nobody asked us you know how many people were in our party or anything and there the hostess wasn’t in the hostess stand but there were people buzzing around so we all just kind of stood there for a few minutes and um this particular pastor, he’s really loud and has a really boisterous personality, he was getting frustrated and all of a sudden he just yells at the top of his lungs, does anybody even care that we’re here? And I was like I’ve never felt like that.

    Does anyone even care, does this even matter, it doesn’t even matter what I do, I just wonder that so often, does it matter that I try so hard to provide healthy food and a neat house, I am not a perfect person but a neat house and clothes for my family, when I mean three out of four of my people would just assume eat junk food and living complete squalor does this even matter what I’m doing but maybe when you do a project at school and you give your all just for a great mark, does it even matter or a report at work does it even matter?

    Pastor Holly Furtick answers the question if anything really matters, she wants us to understand that most times, we begin to question our importance and times get really confusing, she wants us to know that our effort no matter how little count as long as it is out of love and in God, then it matters.